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Monday, February 11 2019

Yesterday we travelled down to Raleigh for the 2019 Cabin Fever Throwdown. There
was a great turnout this year including: fans, shaggers, DJ's and bands. If you missed
it, you surely missed an awesome day. We enjoyed performances by Steve Owens and
Summertime, Band of Oz, The Embers featuring Craig Woolard along with Jim Quick and
Coastline as they closed out the evening.

We've posted a few videos on our Facebook page but we will be including  a lot more
video from Sunday afternoon and the clips will be available on our Facebook page,
YouTube channel and Vimeo. We also received several compliments on our new
endeavor from several we ran into throughout the day and we can't thank you
enough for the kind words. We're working to make FFL your easy to navigate portal
to EVERYTHING, Beach Music and we can only do that with the help of all of you
in the Beach Music Community!

Monday, February 04 2019

Flip Flop LIVE is released!

Last Summer we came up with the idea for Flip Flop Live and we've worked hard trying
to think about every aspect of what we'd like to see within FFL. What is it the bands and
artists need, how can we help the DJ's, what about the shaggers and beach music fans?
With such a dedicated community of people, the industry needed a dedicated source to
bring all of the information together in one place that will be kept current, is easy to
navigate and is supportive of all areas of beach music.

We present to you "Flip Flop Live"! Over the next few months we will be gradually making
changes, adding new features and we will be listening for your feedback. Join our mailing
list, like and follow us on Facebook and our various social media outlets. We will provide
opportunities to receive your thoughts, suggestions and overall satisfaction with our

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    from Virginia and throughout
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    Flip Flop Live
    Emporia, Virginia 23847

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