Sunday, January 19 2025
Coming up February 28th and March 1st you'll want to be in N. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for the Anniversary Weekend for the Band of Oz. Spend the weekend at the Spanish Galleon and stay at the Ocean Drive Beach and Golf Resort. Friday night will feature music by the Special Occasion Band and the Mighty Saints of Soul. Saturday afternoon enjoy the sounds of Chocolate Chip & Co. and Saturday night will feature the Band of Oz which will also include former members; Big John Thompson, Butch Barnes, David Franks and Chris Keaton. Packages are available that includes accomodations, two t-shirts and tickets to all events. You can purchase your tickets online by visiting the Ticket Tailor website and for room packages, it's asked that you visit the Ocean Drive Resort website or call 800-438-9590. For all other information visit the Band of Oz website. Comments: