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Happy National Radio Day
Thursday, August 20 2020

August 20, 2020

Happy National Radio Day from Flip Flop Live!
While it's not a nationally sanctioned holiday, we love to celebrate the invention of the radio on August 20th each year. What would the world be like without Radio? It brought us closer together as a nation including use in government operations, news and music distribution and many other uses that are widely used today. Celebrate radio each and every day because we certainly do!

Think about the careers that were made possible throughout the radio industry and what about the fame some achieved in the early days while families sat around listening to radio programs. Not only should we celebrate the radio itself but support your favorite DJ's, the stations and the sponsors who help keep these stations on the air. You can't have one without the other and these talented guys and gals keep the music playing twenty-four hours a day for our enjoyment. Certainly technology has advanced where we now have satellite and internet radio and while they may not transmit across the same airwaves, they still derive from the original radio and they have become part of our everyday lives.

Thank you to all of our DJ friends, station owners and sponsors! If you'd like to discover new shows, stations and DJ's be sure to check the radio schedule on our homepage and also our DJ and Radio listing pages and connect with new friends.


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