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News from the Band of Oz
Tuesday, September 15 2020

In a Facebook post earlier this evening David Hicks from the Band of Oz posted the following update concerning the upcoming shows;

"Many of our friends were expecting to see the Band of Oz this past weekend but those shows were cancelled. I need to let those people as well as the people that are counting on seeing us this coming weekend know what is going on with the band.. First of all I have cancelled the shows in Forest Va . Colonial Beach Va and The Farm Beach Show this weekend. Of course the The Farm will still go on with the show with a replacement for our band.

On this past Saturday morning at 11am I received a call from a band member to inform me that he was positive with the Corona Virus. I immediately contacted the agent for our Saturday night show and cancelled . I then contacted the people that we were to play for on Sunday afternoon and cancelled that as well. I knew that we couldnt take the band out in public . As the week has progressed the band member has gotten quite sick . As of yesterday morning I made the call to our clients for this weekend to inform them that we are all getting tested for the virus and that we will not be going back out until this is all cleared up.. I was not going to divulge the name of the band member but I think at this point it may be of some help to him and his wife for our friends and family to know so that you can pray for their recovery from this awful virus.. Chris Jennings and his wife have this virus..Leslie is doing quite well with it and I think that is due to the fact that she is 15 years younger than Chris.We are praying that no one else in the band gets sick from this virus as the days progress. I will try to let you all know about the results of the test that all band members and support crew are taking.. Please pray along with all of us that no one else in our band or crew gets sick and pray that this virus is defeated soon. Thank you all and we look forward to getting back out and performing soon."
Our prayers are with Chris and his wife as well as the rest of the members and crew with the band. Stay safe and we hope to see you soon. You will find David's original post below.

Logo property of the Band of Oz

Please be safe all of you. We all are anxiously awaiting the time when all the bands can go out, play and we, your fans, dance to the music we love so dearly. Take care all of you and God bless you with a full and swift recovery. Love you guys!!!
Posted by June on 09/15/2020 - 08:38 PM

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