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Thursday, April 04 2019

In just over a month after announcing ticket sales, the annual Abingdon Virginia Ruritan Club seafood festival sells out once again. The Ruritan club holds two festivals per year and if you were planning on attending the May event, you're out of luck.

The Spring 2019 entertainment will feature Virginia's own "The Janitors" from Virginia Beach. Danny Morgan and the guys always put on a great show performing a tight blend of R&B, 60's Soul, 70's Funk, Country, Classic Rock and Top 40 Dance.

One of Virginia's most popular events and always a sell out crowd simply because they offer some of the best food and wide selection along with top entertainment each year ranging from Beach, Soul, Blues and more. You can check our calendar for similar upcoming events and be sure to watch for the Ruritan club's Fall festival that's held on the third Wednesday of October.


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